This form needs to be completed for each cottage you are booking.

Confirm Availability

Please give us a call on +44 (0)1473 736475 to confirm your cottage is available or check online for the dates requested.

Read and agree
Please read our Terms and Conditions document and ensure you are happy with this before booking.

Make payment
Make your payment (either deposit or payment in full depending on the booking date – see our Terms and conditions documents for details). Once we have confirmed your payment (deposit or payment) and received the completed Booking Form – we will confirm your reservation in writing via email.

Pay your balance due
Make your final payment 1 month prior to arrival to ensure your booking. (e.g. payment in full is due on 14th May for a stay beginning on 14th June).

Our preferred method of payment is via BACS transfer.
Sort Code: 30-93-22
Account Number: 00090548
Account Name: Low Farm Estate Services

Cottage Booking Form

(Please make payment via BACS to: Low Farm Estate Services, Account: 00090548 Sort Code: 30-93-22)Please enter the date in DD.MM.YY format, followed by your last name in the reference eg 26.05.20 JONES.
note: If your name is longer than the reference will allow, enter as many letters after the date as it will allow.

Terms and Conditions